ArcGIS REST Services Directory Login


Item Information

snippet: This service provides information about easements that have been recorded in New Hanover County, NC.
summary: This service provides information about easements that have been recorded in New Hanover County, NC.
extent: [[-78.0296218077261,33.9800697804895],[-77.7230682528357,34.3850231125254]]
accessInformation: New Hanover County, NC
thumbnail: thumbnail/thumbnail.png
maxScale: 1.7976931348623157E308
typeKeywords: ["Data","Service","Map Service","ArcGIS Server"]
description: This service provides information about easements that have been recorded in New Hanover County, such as utility, drainage, access, conservation, etc.
title: Easements
type: Map Service
tags: ["New Hanover County","NC; Easements; Land Records"]
culture: en-US
name: Easements
guid: 7DAEA95F-CB76-4D05-A4F9-149F0B6A704B
minScale: 0
spatialReference: NAD_1983_2011_StatePlane_North_Carolina_FIPS_3200_Ft_US